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Infographic: Security Code Review

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Static Analysis & Manual Code Reviews: Security code reviews help software development teams find security bugs early in the development cycle. We will develop an in-depth source code review technique, using automated tool analysis and manual inspection to help our clients identify and remediate software vulnerabilities earlier in the development cycle. 


Mobile development frameworks (e.g., PhoneGap, Ionic, Xamarin, Titanium etc.) are already popular and being leveraged extensively to help mobile application developers to easily build mobile applications (e.g., native/hybrid/browser based) using native phone features and web features (HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS) with a responsive design. As the mobile development frameworks provide libraries and resources that developers can include and customise in their code, InfoZeus leverages a combination of automated static analysis of code or binaries along with manual inspection to help our clients identify and remediate software vulnerabilities present in the mobile development frameworks.



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